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disclaimer for PRofessional investors

With your access to the Qilin Capital GmbH (Qilin) website and its links you declare that you have read, understood and accept the following legal information. If you are unable to accept, we would kindly ask you to exit the website and its links.

The Qilin website is not intended for persons living in a country whose prevailing laws prohibit publication or access to the Qilin website (for whatever reasons). Citizens or residents of the United States of America are not permitted to access the Qilin website under U.S. law. All Qilin funds are admitted for distribution in Germany. In addition, the Qilin fund is also admitted for distribution in other European countries. Funds that are not registered are not available for public distribution and may not be offered for sale. The information published on the Qilin website does not constitute a solicitation, an offer, or a recommendation to buy or sell fund units or to undertake other transactions. It serves solely for an understanding of the investment process and is not intended as an investment recommendation. While Qilin takes all reasonable care to ensure the correctness and accuracy of the information presented, no warranty can be given that it is correct, reliable and true. Qilin accepts no liability for loss or damages of any kind from access to its website or its links. Should any legal relationship between the user and Qilin result from the use of the Qilin website it shall be governed by German law.



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